Grow your organization
with space sharing.
Pay for space when you need it, share it when you don’t.
We equip space providers with the resources they need to succeed and connect them with renters looking for space.
Renters Nation Wide
Increase in need every year
Uptime guarantee
Renter Verification
Grow Faster
Everything You Need to Rent, Share, and
Manage Your Space
SpaceTogether helps church and business owners convert unoccupied spaces into monthly profit, and connect them with renters in need.
Turn Empty Spaces into Monthly Income
Impact And Connect With Your Community
Copy and Paste Process
Transforms idle areas of your building during the week into consistent revenue streams, helping to cover expenses or even generate profit.
Significantly enhance community impact by providing local businesses, nonprofits, and groups with much-needed venues. This not only supports their growth but also fosters stronger community connections.
Follow our step-by-step process we have used to help hundreds of space providers generate thousands in additional income.
Grow Faster
Everything you need to rent, share, and manage your space
SpaceTogether helps church and business owners convert unoccupied spaces into monthly profit.
Turn Empty Spaces into Monthly Income
Transforms idle areas of your building during the week into consistent revenue streams, helping to cover expenses or even generate profit.
Impact And Connect With Your Community
Significantly enhance community impact by providing local businesses, nonprofits, and groups with much-needed venues. This not only supports their growth but also fosters stronger community connections.
Copy and Paste Process
Follow our step-by-step process we have used to help hundreds of space providers generate thousands in additional income.
“Why do we have a building we love… and why is it sitting empty? There are a bunch of people that just need a couple hours, a night, and they don’t need a big building, all of the time.”
Pastor & Space Provider
From Those Who Have Worked With Us:
"SpaceTogether has exceeded my expectations in every way!
The training that SpaceTogether offers was extremely helpful in helping me not only understand the philosophy behind sharing space, but also gave me the practical, nuts-and-bolts skills to execute a plan to share our space.
Justin Knapp and the entire SpaceTogether team could not be more helpful and caring - they want to see you succeed!
If you’re considering the training, hesitate no longer and sign up. You won’t be disappointed. Thanks, SpaceTogether!"
- Pastor Matt Rothe, The Way Church VA
"Sharing our space is inherently an outreach into our community. If sharing our space gets the unchurched into our facility on a regular basis, gives people an awareness of where we are, and shows the community we are hoping to help them get their businesses off the ground - then every church should be looking into doing this.
Creating outreach opportunities by getting people consistently in our building - and not paying a ton of overhead ourselves - seems like a win-win!"
- Eric Melso, Living Hope Lutheran Church
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